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# Deployment
Services deployed (using kustomize):
- [catalog](./src/catalog)
- [runner](./src/runner)
- [proxy-admin](./src/proxy-admin)
- [proxy-web](./src/proxy-web)
- [web-client](./src/web-client)
- [admin-client](./src/admin-client)
Platform components deployed (using helm):
- [Traefik]()
- [Postgresql]()
## [Beta](
The [Beta]( environment lives in my [homelab repo](,
and is auto deployed using Flux w/ kustomize.
See [./env/beta](./env/beta/kustomization.yaml) for how it's set up.
- There are only 3 environments: `local`, `beta`, `prod`
- `local`: optimize for iteration speed, observability, mutability. Ephemeral data. Should be quick to create and destroy.
- `beta`: optimize for likeness with prod, observability, and durable data.
- `prod`: optimize for up time, automated change control, observability, data durability.
- Each environment should pull from the image tag that matches it's name (ie catalog service running in `beta` env will use `` docker image)
- All environments should have resources suffixed with their name (ie `deployment/catalog-beta` in `beta` env)
- All environments must use kustomize, and have the same resources - configuration of those resources can vary as needed
### Initial environment setup
Deploy the following with Helm (assuming we're setting up a new `beta` env with the following commands):
1. Traefik:
helm repo add traefik;
helm upgrade --install ingress traefik/traefik -n 'barretthousen-beta'\
2. Postgresql:
helm repo add bitnami;
helm install --upgrade bh-db bitnami/postgresql -n 'barretthousen-beta' \
--set='fullnameOverride=bh-db' \
--set='auth.enablePostgresuser=true' \
--set='auth.postgresPassword=bh-admin' \
### Deployment steps
1. Build and publish images to `beta`
export ENV=beta; # if not specified, will only build and push for the git commit
make build-backend-image SERVICE=catalog
make build-backend-image SERVICE=runner
make build-backend-image SERVICE=auth
make build-backend-image SERVICE=proxy-admin
make build-backend-image SERVICE=proxy-web
# for prod drop `beta prefix
make build-client-image SERVICE=web-client
make build-client-image SERVICE=admin-client
2. Rolling restart deployments in the beta env
# for prod drop `-beta` suffix
kubectl rollout restart -n barretthousen-beta deployment runner-beta
kubectl rollout status -n barretthousen-beta deployment runner-beta -w
kubectl rollout restart -n barretthousen-beta deployment catalog-beta
kubectl rollout status -n barretthousen-beta deployment catalog-beta -w
kubectl rollout restart -n barretthousen-beta deployment auth-beta
kubectl rollout status -n barretthousen-beta deployment auth-beta -w
kubectl rollout restart -n barretthousen-beta deployment proxy-admin-beta
kubectl rollout status -n barretthousen-beta deployment proxy-admin-beta -w
kubectl rollout restart -n barretthousen-beta deployment proxy-web-beta
kubectl rollout status -n barretthousen-beta deployment proxy-web-beta -w
kubectl rollout restart -n barretthousen-beta deployment web-client-beta
kubectl rollout status -n barretthousen-beta deployment web-client-beta -w
kubectl rollout restart -n barretthousen-beta deployment admin-client-beta
kubectl rollout status -n barretthousen-beta deployment admin-client-beta -w
3. Promote images to prod
make promote-backend-prod SERVICE=catalog
make promote-backend-prod SERVICE=runner
make promote-backend-prod SERVICE=auth
make promote-backend-prod SERVICE=proxy-admin
make promote-backend-prod SERVICE=proxy-web
make promote-client-prod SERVICE=web-client
make promote-client-prod SERVICE=admin-client