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Adam Veldhousen b55917d4eb Build is passing Details
remove GA for now
10 months ago
.vscode MVP build (#1) 11 months ago
doc auth deployment 10 months ago
env add configs for auth in proxies 10 months ago
hack add catawiki catalog sync, DX improvements, ci 10 months ago
src remove GA for now 10 months ago
.drone.yml only build on push to trunk 10 months ago
.gitignore MVP build (#1) 11 months ago
.sops.yaml MVP build (#1) 11 months ago
.tool-versions MVP build (#1) 11 months ago
LICENSE docs and architecture planning 1 year ago
Makefile add catawiki catalog sync, DX improvements, ci 10 months ago add catawiki catalog sync, DX improvements, ci 10 months ago
Tiltfile add catawiki catalog sync, DX improvements, ci 10 months ago add catawiki catalog sync, DX improvements, ci 10 months ago MVP build (#1) 11 months ago


Build Status Search and get alerts for items across the most popular auction sites.

Built with microservice architecture and various fancy tools for learning purposes


This project is for fun and learning so there are a lot of tools at play:


  • Tilt: local development env orchestration
  • Ctlptl: Automate local kubernetes clusters for local dev
  • Docker
  • Postgres:
  • Traefik:
  • Kustomize:
  • Helm:


  • Go
  • goose: Go SQL db migration tool
  • Sqlc: Generate Go code to query SQL databases from migrations in a type safe way
  • Buf: Nice frontend for protoc and .proto libraries
  • Protobufs:




Auction terms glossary

  • Web-client Frontend site that users access to browse upcoming auctions and subscribe for updates to their searches

  • Admin-client Enables site administrators to kicks off scrape and email jobs in Runner and Ringman, and view status on current/past jobs.

  • Catalog API for searching upcoming auctions.

  • Runner Scrapes sites for upcoming auctions. Transforms the data into a suitable shape and stores it for use by the frontend.

  • Ringman Manages email subscriptions and sending emails to users about upcoming auctions.

  • Proxy-web Proxies JSON HTTP API requests for the web client to GRPC based services downstream

  • Proxy-admin Proxies JSON HTTP API requests for the admin client to GRPC based services downstream


You will need the following prereqs installed:

Everything you need is in the makefile:

# install asdf tools, sqlc, buf
make setup

# generate protobufs and sql boilerplate
make gen

# spin up a k8s cluster, build and deploy services locally w/ hot reloading - be patient this takes a few minutes first run
make dev

# build production docker images for the backend microservices, optionally push to the respective env
make build-backend-image SERVICE=[catalog, runner, proxy-web, proxy-admin] [ENV=[beta, prod]]

# build client docker image for web frontends, optionally push to the respective env
make build-client-image SERVICE=[web-client, admin-client] [ENV=[beta, prod]]

# acceptance tests
make acceptance-test SERVICE=[runner,catalog] ORIGIN=[,]

For how to deploy read me.