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Fresh Arch Linux Software Installation List 2022-03-27T21:00:00Z

A listing of software that I use for my Arch linux installs on my laptop.

?: unsure of the package name or where it comes from

Package management

  1. yay
  2. Flatpak
  3. AppImage

Hardware utiils (Networking, Audio, Bluetooth)

  1. iwctl
  2. pipewire
  3. playerctl
  4. pavucontrol

Desktop environment

  1. Sway
  2. Waybar
  3. drun
  4. D-Feet
  5. Seahorse
  6. blueman
  7. Emptty (instead of LightDM)
  8. xdg-utils
  9. dconf-editor ?
  10. fontconfig ?
  11. tlp
  12. gnome-keyring-daemon ?


  1. docker
  2. podman
  3. terminator
  4. Wezterm
  5. Visual Studio Code
  6. asdf
  7. Brew
  8. Kind
  9. age
  10. sops
  11. make
  12. Rust
  13. Golang
  14. Ruby
  15. Python 3

Other apps

  1. Spotify
  2. OBS
  3. Firefox Developer Edition
  4. Google Chrome
  5. Discord
  6. Steam
  7. Keybase
  8. Insomnia
  9. Unity
  10. epson-inkjet-printer-escpr
  11. htop
  12. ntop
  13. powertop
  14. iotop
  15. neofetch
  16. wl-clipboard
  17. youtube-dl