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title: "Using credentials in your Makefiles"
date: 2020-01-14T05:57:04Z
draft: false
tags: [make, programming]
Recently while working on a project I needed a way to include secrets in my repo for local development that integrated
with my *Make* based build setup. I found that a nice way to do this is with the `include` command in *Make*.
The `include` command allows you to include external files to augment your makefile. First I created a `` and
declared variables in it for my API keys.
```makefile {linenos=table}
github_access_token := 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
slack_access_token := 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Then in my makefile I added `include`. Don't forget to add `` to your `.gitignore`!
.PHONY: dev
dev: app
GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(github_access_token) \
SLACK_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(slack_access_token) \
go build -o app main.go
One issue with this I ran into was in my CI build I didn't have a `` file. *Make* will fail if it cannot find an
include file on disk or if it *Make* unable to find a rule to generate one. Luckily you can preprend a dash to the include
statement to make it optional, so the rest of your tasks that don't require an include will still be usable.
Lastly, another neat thing about using this technique is that if an include isn't found, *Make* will look for a task that
can generate it. I added a `` task to my makefile that creates a stub include file that can get filled out with
the correct credentials if needed.
.PHONY: dev
dev: app
GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(github_access_token) \
SLACK_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(slack_access_token) \
go build -o app main.go
echo "github_access_token:='xxxxxxxx'" > ./
echo "slack_access_token:='xxxxxxxxx'" >> ./