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# symbolic links all files in a directory into the target
files_linkdir() {
local SOURCE=$1;
local DEST=$2;
local FORCE=$3;
if [[ -d "${SOURCE}" ]]; then
if ! [[ -z "${FORCE}" ]] || ! [[ -d "${DEST}" ]]; then
files_debug_log "LINKING $SOURCE -> $DEST"
find "${SOURCE}" -type d | sed "s=${SOURCE}==" | xargs -I {} mkdir -p ${DEST}{};
find "${SOURCE}" -type f | sed "s=${SOURCE}==" | xargs -I {} ln -fs ${SOURCE}{} ${DEST}{};
# ln on windows pretty much only works with hardlinks it seems
#ls -lA "${SOURCE}" | grep "^-" | awk '{print $9}' | xargs -I {} ln -vfs "${SOURCE}/{}" "${DEST}/{}"