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<title>Fira Code Specimen</title>
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<div class="code light"><b># Fira Code Light</b>
take = (n, [x, <i>...</i>xs]:list) <i>--></i>
| n <i><=</i> 0 <i>=></i> []
| empty list <i>=></i> []
| otherwise <i>=></i> [x] <i>++</i> take n-1, xs
last3 = reverse <i>>></i> take 3 <i>>></i> reverse</div>
<div class="code regular"><b># Fira Code Regular</b>
take = (n, [x, <i>...</i>xs]:list) <i>--></i>
| n <i><=</i> 0 <i>=></i> []
| empty list <i>=></i> []
| otherwise <i>=></i> [x] <i>++</i> take n-1, xs
last3 = reverse <i>>></i> take 3 <i>>></i> reverse</div>
<div class="code medium"><b># Fira Code Medium</b>
take = (n, [x, <i>...</i>xs]:list) <i>--></i>
| n <i><=</i> 0 <i>=></i> []
| empty list <i>=></i> []
| otherwise <i>=></i> [x] <i>++</i> take n-1, xs
last3 = reverse <i>>></i> take 3 <i>>></i> reverse</div>
<div class="code bold"><b># Fira Code Bold</b>
take = (n, [x, <i>...</i>xs]:list) <i>--></i>
| n <i><=</i> 0 <i>=></i> []
| empty list <i>=></i> []
| otherwise <i>=></i> [x] <i>++</i> take n-1, xs
last3 = reverse <i>>></i> take 3 <i>>></i> reverse</div>
<div id="code_variable" class="code variable"><b># Fira Code Variable</b>
<input type="range" min="300" max="700" value="400" step="10" style="width: 300px;" oninput="onWeightChange(this.value)" onchange="onWeightChange(this.value)"> <span id="span_wght">400</span>
take = (n, [x, <i>...</i>xs]:list) <i>--></i>
| n <i><=</i> 0 <i>=></i> []
| empty list <i>=></i> []
| otherwise <i>=></i> [x] <i>++</i> take n-1, xs
last3 = reverse <i>>></i> take 3 <i>>></i> reverse</div>