#!/bin/sh # install vim with all of the necessary features [ ! -s "${HOME}/Projects/vim" ] && git clone --branch v8.1.2109 https://github.com/vim/vim vim cd ./vim export VIMRUNTIME=${HOME}/.config/vim/runtime; echo "setting up vim runtime folder @ ${VIMRUNTIME}"; mkdir -p ${VIMRUNTIME}/autoload ${VIMRUNTIME}/bundle && \ curl -LSso ${VIMRUNTIME}/autoload/pathogen.vim https://tpo.pe/pathogen.vim; VIM_CONFIG_ARGS=' --enable-multibyte \ --enable-rubyinterp=yes \ --with-python3-config-dir=/usr/lib/python3.7/config-3.7m-x86_64-linux-gnu \ --enable-python3interp=yes \ --enable-perlinterp=yes \ --enable-luainterp=yes \ --disable-netbeans \ --with-compiledby="Adam V " \ --enable-gui=auto \ --enable-cscope \ --prefix=/usr/local ' VIM_CONFIG_X_ARGS=' --enable-gtk2-check \ --enable-gnome-check \ --with-x ' if [ ! -z "$(which X)" ]; then echo "adding X options" VIM_CONFIG_ARGS="${VIM_CONFIG_ARGS} ${VIM_CONFIG_X_ARGS}" fi ./configure ${VIM_CONFIG_ARGS} make VIMRUNTUMEDIR=${HOME}/.config/vim/runtime/ sudo make install VIMRUNTIMEDIR=${HOME}/.config/vim/runtime/ VIMFILES=/usr/local/share/vim/vim81 find ${VIMFILES} -type f | \ sed "s=${VIMFILES}==" | \ xargs -I {} dirname {} | \ xargs -I {} mkdir -p ${VIMRUNTIME}{}; find ${VIMFILES} -type f | \ sed "s=${VIMFILES}==" | \ xargs -I {} cp $VIMFILES/{} $VIMRUNTIME{}; ln -svf ${HOME}/.config/vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc cd .. rm -rf ./vim pushd ${HOME}/.config/vim/ rake popd