require 'rake/clean' require 'fileutils' vimFolder = "tools/vim" bundles_dir = File.join("#{vimFolder}/bundle/") pluginsFile = File.join("#{vimFolder}/plugins.txt") CLEAN.include "#{bundles_dir}" task :default => ['clean', 'vim:reinstall'] namespace :vim do directory "#{bundles_dir}" desc "reinstalls all vim plugins from #{vimFolder}/plugins.txt" task :reinstall do puts "loading plugins into #{bundles_dir}..." lines = IO.readlines pluginsFile puts "Loading #{lines.length} plugins..." lines.each { |source| if source[0] != "#" then loadTask = Rake::Task['vim:downloadPlugin'] loadTask.invoke source.sub "\n", '' loadTask.reenable() end } puts "Plugins installed!" end desc 'downloads a vim plugin from a git repo.' task :downloadPlugin, [:source] => "#{bundles_dir}" do |t, args| raise "Must specify git repo to pull from." unless args.source not(nil) dir = gitName args.source puts "Installing #{dir}...." Dir.chdir bundles_dir do sh "git clone #{args.source} #{dir}" #FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(dir, ".git")) end puts "\n\n" end desc "downloads a new plugin and adds it to #{vimFolder}/plugins.txt" task :install, [:sourceName] do |t, args| raise "Must specify git repo to pull from." unless args.sourceName not(nil) source = "git://{args.sourceName}.git" Rake::Task['vim:downloadPlugin'].invoke source puts "Adding to #{vimFolder}/plugins.txt" pluginsFile, 'a' do |file| file.puts "#{source}\n" end end end def gitName(gitRepo) return gitRepo.split('/').last.sub(/\.git$/, '') end