Host * # verbosity used when logging messages from ssh, QUIET, FATAL, ERROR, INFO, VERBOSE, DEBUG, DEBUG1, DEBUG2, DEBUG3 LogLevel INFO # if YES, never auto add host keyes and refuses to connecto to hosts that have changed. YES, NO, ASK StrictHostKeyChecking ask # known hosts file database location UserKnownHostsFile ~/.ssh/known_hosts # timeout in seconds after which if no data has been recieved from the server, ssh will send a keep alive message ServerAliveInterval 30 # the number of times to send a keep alive message in a row, only applies to ssh v2 ServerAliveCountMax 120 # Shows the ssh key image on connection. YES or NO VisualHostKey yes # if the connection should use compression. YES or NO Compression yes # allows ssh to prefer one method of auth over another if there are multiple methods available. gssapi-with-mic, hostbased, publickey, keyboard-interactive, password PreferredAuthentications publickey,password,keyboard-interactive # send TCP keep alive messages to the host, which lets us know if the connection dies, but it can give false negatives (if the connection goes down temporarily, you'll get disconnected). YES, NO TCPKeepAlive yes # refer to: PubkeyAuthentication yes IdentitiesOnly yes