--- title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}" date: {{ .Date }} draft: true tags: [] --- Headers # Header 1 ## Header 2 ### Header 3 #### Header 4 #### ##### Header 5 ##### ###### Header 6 ###### *Emphasize* _emphasize_ **Strong** __Strong__ A [link](http://example.com "Title"). Some text with [a link][1] and another [link][2]. [1]: http://example.com/ "Title" [2]: http://example.org/ "Title" Logo: ![Alt](/wp.png "Title") Smaller logo: ![Alt][1] [1]: /wp-smaller.png "Title" Linked logo: [![alt text](/wp-smaller.png)] (http://wordpress.com/ "Title") Lists 1. Item 2. Item * Mixed * Mixed - or dash 3. Item Blockquotes > Quoted text. > > Quoted quote. > * Quoted > * List Quoted text. Quoted quote. Quoted List Preformatted Begin each line with two spaces or more to make text look e x a c t l y like you type i t. Begin each line with two spaces or more to make text look e x a c t l y like you type i t. Code `This is code` This is code Code block ~~~~ This is a piece of code in a block ~~~~ ``` This too ``` Syntax highlighting ```css #button { border: none; } ``` Example code ```go {{}} // GetTitleFunc returns a func that can be used to transform a string to // title case. // // The supported styles are // // - "Go" (strings.Title) // - "AP" (see https://www.apstylebook.com/) // - "Chicago" (see https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html) // // If an unknown or empty style is provided, AP style is what you get. func GetTitleFunc(style string) func(s string) string { switch strings.ToLower(style) { case "go": return strings.Title case "chicago": tc := transform.NewTitleConverter(transform.ChicagoStyle) return tc.Title default: tc := transform.NewTitleConverter(transform.APStyle) return tc.Title } } {{}} ```