--- title: "Git Tips - Global Pre-commit Hooks" date: 2020-01-01T21:00:39Z tags: [git, testing, bash] --- [Git hooks][1] are a feature of the Git VCS that allow you to fire off custom logic on the client side when you take actions in your repository. These are shell scripts in the `.git/hooks/` directory of your repository, but they can also exist in your home directory at `~/.githooks/`. Any hooks found in `~/.githooks/` are executed globally, this makes it easy to setup a custom workflow that is consistent across your entire machine. ## Automatically lint and test on commit One of my favorite hooks is the `~/.githooks/pre-commit` hook that auto runs test and lint commands from a `makefile` or `package.json` if they're found: ```sh {{}} #!/usr/bin/env bash if [ -f "$PWD/makefile" ] && [ ! -z "$(cat $PWD/makefile | grep '^lint:')" ]; then echo "running make lint" make lint elif [ -f "$PWD/package.json" ] && [ ! -z "$(cat $PWD/package.json | grep "^\"lint\":")" ]; then echo "running npm run lint" npm run lint fi if [ -f "$PWD/makefile" ] && [ ! -z "$(cat $PWD/makefile | grep '^test:')" ]; then echo "running make test" make test elif [ -f "$PWD/package.json" ] && [ ! -z "$(cat $PWD/package.json | grep "^\"test\":")" ]; then echo "running npm run test" npm run test fi {{}} ``` The `/usr/bin/env bash` piece ensures that the script has access to all of the environment variables you expect in your regular shell. If the test or lint command fails then the `git commit` command fails. If I absolutely need to commit something in spite of the lint/test results I can do `git commit --no-verify` to skip the `pre-commit` hook. [1]: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Customizing-Git-Git-Hooks "Git hooks"